June 30, 2024
Adirondack Chairs Market

Fabric Adirondack Chairs Market is Propelling Growth due to their Durability and Comfort

The Adirondack Chairs market is estimated to witness high growth owing to increasing demand for durable and comfortable outdoor furniture. Adirondack chairs are distinctive chairs distinguished by their generous seats that twist slightly forward and armrests that slope gradually outward. Made from long-lasting cedar, redwood or teak wood, these chairs provide all-day comfort. They are the preferred choice for relaxing outdoors in gardens, decks or pool areas.

The global Adirondack Chairs market is estimated to be valued at US$ 9.80 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 4.3% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031.

Key Takeaways

Key players operating in the Adirondack Chairs market are The Best Adirondack Chair Company, Highwood USA, LLC, PolyWood, AuthenTEAK, LLC., Suburban Home Outfitters, The Best Adirondack Chair Company, West Marine, LL Bean, Pottery Barn, Home Depo, Wayfair, Overstock, Yarbird, Ottena Teak Ltd., and NB Rhodes Furniture. The growing popularity of outdoor activities and investments in landscaping are fueling demand for comfortable outdoor furniture. Technological advancements like the usage of durable, weather-resistant fabrics for Adirondack chairs are improving product longevity.

Market drivers

Increasing residential and commercial construction: Growing construction of single-family homes, apartments and commercial spaces like restaurants, hotels is driving the need for outdoor furnishings. This is positively impacting Adirondack chair sales.

Preference for all-weather furniture: Adirondack Chairs Market Demand  Durable fabric chairs are gaining traction as they can be used comfortably throughout the year without requiring storage during harsh weather conditions. Their lightweight properties make moving and cleaning easier.

Rising spending on outdoor remodeling and landscaping: More consumers are investing in outdoor upgrades like decking, patios and gardens. This is raising demand for accompanying outdoor furniture like Adirondack chairs for enhanced curb appeal and usability of outdoor areas.

Current challenges in Adirondack Chairs Market:

High cost of manufacturing: The cost of raw materials like lumber and upholstery fabric for outdoor use is fairly high. Also, labor involved in manufacturing these sturdy chairs adds to the cost challenges.

Weather vulnerabilities: Outdoor wooden furniture is prone to damage from harsh weather conditions like sun, rain, snow etc over time if not properly finished, sealed and maintained. This poses maintenance challenges.

Bulk transportation issues: These chairs have a large size which causes difficulties in packing and transportation in bulk quantities. This increases logistical challenges.

SWOT Analysis

Strength: Robust and durable wooden construction makes these chairs withstand heavy usage over long term. Wide seating space and adjustable design allows comfortable seating in outdoor settings.

Weakness: Higher upfront cost compared to plastic/metal chairs limits mass adoption. Need periodic sealing to protect wood from weather degradation.

Opportunity: Growing popularity of outdoor living and leisure activities like camping, patio gatherings etc present market opportunities. Increasing do-it-yourself home decor trend also boosts demand.

Threats: Availability of cheaper substitutes like plastic chairs, folding benches poses pricing threats. Stringent wood import regulations in some countries affect raw material sourcing.

Geographical regions of high market concentration:

North America accounts for the largest share, around 35% of Global Adirondack Chairs Market  Size And Trends  in terms of value sales, led by United States. Presence of major manufacturers and popularity of outdoor lifestyle sustains high demand.

Fastest growing region: Asia Pacific region is poised to be the fastest growing market for Adirondack chairs during the forecast period. Increasing health awareness and trend of spending leisure time outdoors is driving demand from countries like China, India, Japan etc. Improving economic conditions also support market growth.

1.Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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