June 28, 2024
Global Bio-imaging Market

Global Bio-imaging Market to Grow Rapidly with Advances in Molecular Imaging

The global bio-imaging market refers to non-invasive techniques that help visualize the molecular and functional activities occurring inside the body. Common bio-imaging modalities include ultrasound, X-ray imaging, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear imaging techniques such as positron emission tomography (PET), and optical imaging methods. These techniques provide crucial insights into physiological and pathological processes at the cellular and molecular levels, helping physicians detect diseases early and guide precise treatment.

The global bio-imaging market is estimated to be valued at US$ 5.74 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 15% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031.

Key Takeaways

The rapid advancements in molecular imaging techniques are creating many opportunities for players in the Global Bio-imaging Market Size. Techniques such as optical coherence tomography, photoacoustic imaging, and nanosensors are contributing to real-time, high-resolution molecular information of cells and tissues. Governments across nations are also increasing funding for R&D activities to accelerate innovations.

Key players operating in the global bio-imaging market are Bracco Imaging S.P.A, Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, Esaote S.p.A, Digirad Corporation, FONAR Corporation, GE Healthcare, Hologic Inc., Hitachi Medical Corporation, Lantheus Medical Imaging, Inc., Covidien Pharmaceuticals, Mindray Medical International Limited., Gamma Medica Inc., Samsung Medison Co., Ltd., and Philips Healthcare. Key players are focusing on introducing innovative and advanced imaging technologies such as hybrid PET-MRI and optical imaging to gain a competitive edge in the market.

The increasing applications of bio-imaging technologies across various therapeutic areas including oncology, neurology, and cardiology are fueling the global expansion of the market. Major market players are expanding their geographical presence in emerging countries through partnerships and strategic collaborations to tap the high growth opportunities in these regions.

Market drivers

A key driver for the Global Bio-imaging Market Size is the rapid advancements being witnessed in the field of molecular imaging. Techniques such as Cerenkov luminescence imaging and hyperspectral imaging provide multi-parameter readouts with high sensitivity and specificity. They can capture pre-symptomatic disease signatures and monitor real-time molecular pathway activities. This is expected to further cement the role of bio-imaging in precision medicine. Other factors such as the rising healthcare spending on diagnostic services and increasing prevalence of chronic and lifestyle diseases will also contribute to the growth of this market.

PEST Analysis

Political: Regulations around bio-imaging market are expected to become more stringent, with increased focus on safety and efficacy of bio-imaging equipment and procedures. Government healthcare reforms and investments will influence demand dynamics.

Economic: Growth prospects tied to economic performance worldwide. Rising healthcare budgets and investments will boost opportunities. Cost-efficiency and reduced healthcare costs through preventive screening and early diagnosis will drive uptake.

Social: Aging population and rise in lifestyle diseases are key demand drivers. Higher health awareness and preventive care seeking will propel growth. However, social stigma around certain tests may hinder full market potential.

Technological: Innovation is leading to new applications, advanced functionality and compact systems. Growth areas include molecular, optical and hybrid imaging technologies. Digitalization and AI integration in bio-imaging will further transform clinical workflow and care delivery.

The North America region accounts for the largest share of the global bio-imaging market in terms of value, owing to well-developed healthcare infrastructure, favourable reimbursement policies and wider technology adoption.

The Asia Pacific region is expected to be the fastest growing market for bio-imaging during the forecast period. Factors such as rising medical tourism, healthcare reforms, growing middle class population and their spending on healthcare will support bio-imaging market expansion. Increasing investments by market players will also boost regional growth prospects.

The developed regions of North America and Western Europe are major revenue contributors currently. However, the increasing healthcare expenditures and focus on preventive healthcare in emerging nations hold great potential for future market gains. Innovation and new application areas will further expand the bio-imaging landscape worldwide.

1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it

About Author:

Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/money-singh-590844163)