June 28, 2024
India Digital Signage System Market

India Digital Signage System Market to Surge with Retail Sector’s Demand

Digital signage systems are electronic display boards that display customized content such as digital images, sign videos and information. These signage systems deliver customized content that can be controlled remotely using centralized network based software. Digital signage systems find applications across various sectors such as retail, transportation, education, corporate and healthcare for effectively engaging and communicating with consumers. In the retail sector, digital signage systems play a crucial role in marketing of products, providing customer assistance, digital menu boards and guiding customers by displaying wayfinding signs.

The India digital signage system market is estimated to be valued at US$ 924.63 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 9.1% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031.

Key Takeaways

Growing demand from retail and transportation sectors is driving the growth of India Digital Signage System Market Size. Large retail chains are increasingly adopting digital signage for branding, new product promotions and interactive touchscreens. Metro and railway stations are also installing more digital screens for passenger information systems.

Key players operating in the India digital signage market are Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd, LG Electronics, Sharp Corporation, Panasonic Corporation, NEC Display Solutions Ltd., AU Optronics, Onelan Ltd., Leyard Optoelectronic Co. Ltd.

Technological advancements such as 4K/UHD displays, touchscreens, proximity sensors and beacons are enhancing user experience in digital signage. Video wall configurations and social media integrations on digital signage are improving customer engagement for retailers. Advancement in content management software is making content updates and monitoring more flexible.

Market Trends

Increasing adoption of digital menus: More restaurants and quick service chains are replacing traditional printed menus with digital interactive menus that can be customized dynamically. This is expected to drive the demand for digital signage in India.

Adoption of outdoor signage: Outdoor digital signage solutions are gaining traction at airports, bus stations for transit information. Many retail parks and malls are also installing outdoor digital signage for branding and attracting consumer attention which is a major trend.

Market Opportunities

Integration with IoT: Combining India Digital Signage System Market Size with IoT technologies such as sensors, beacons can enable proximity marketing, analytics of consumer behaviour and streamlining retail operations. This presents an opportunity for digital signage vendors.Ability of digital signage to display customized dynamic content based on user demographics, location etc creates opportunities. Context aware content tailored for Indian audiences can engage them better.

Impact of COVID-19 on India Digital Signage System Market Growth

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the growth of India digital signage system market. In the initial months of the pandemic, lockdowns and social distancing measures led to closure of commercial spaces like retail outlets, malls, airports, hotels and restaurants where digital signage systems are widely used. This led to a steep decline in demand and revenues for digital signage systems in 2020. However, as businesses started adapting to the new normal, demand for digital signage started recovering gradually. Many companies upgraded their existing digital displays to provide enhanced messaging around safety protocols and guidelines. There was a rising focus on touchless solutions and interactive displays for contactless interactions. Remote content management also gained prominence. Going forward, digital signage is expected to play a crucial role in reshaping customer experiences in the post-pandemic world. Companies are looking to leverage these systems to promote safety, reconnect with audiences and rebuild consumer confidence. While challenges around supply chain disruptions and economic slowdown remain, the digital signage industry in India is recovering steadily and expected to resume growth trajectory over the coming years.

Geographical Regions with Highest Concentration of India Digital Signage System Market

The India digital signage system market is highly concentrated in metro cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Chennai and Hyderabad. These cities account for over 60% of the total market revenue owing to high concentration of commercial sector activities, retail outlets, malls, corporate offices, airports and other public infrastructure. Within these cities, premium retail districts, high streets and business areas have maximum deployment of digital signage for branding, advertising and wayfinding. Tier I cities like Pune, Ahmedabad and Kolkata are also emerging as major markets supported by growing retail, real estate and infrastructure development activities. Digital displays are increasingly being used in public transport hubs, high-footfall areas and large office complexes across these vibrant urban centers.

Fastest Growing Region of India Digital Signage System Market

The southern region, led by markets in the states of Telangana and Karnataka, is expected to witness the fastest growth in the Indian digital signage system market over the forecast period. This can be attributed to rapid urbanization, growth of startup culture, rising disposable incomes, proliferation of malls and retail hubs in cities like Bengaluru and Hyderabad. Government initiatives to boost digital infrastructure and promote cashless transactions are also driving digitization across commercial sectors in this region. Enterprises are leveraging next-gen digital signage for innovative marketing campaigns, interactive kiosks, wayfinding solutions tailored for the local language speaking population. Rising focus on edutainment and experience-based retail is further augmenting adoption of interactive displays in the southern Indian states.

1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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